EXPO & EDUCATION • JULY 24 & 25, 2025 • #SEBC2025 • CONTACT US

Tom Dorsey, Jr.

RocketCert LLC

Tom Dorsey, Jr.

RocketCert LLC


Tom Dorsey, Jr., is a hands-on, results-driven executive with over 17 years of industry experience. Though by trade he is an entrepreneur and business consultant, Tom is an educator at heart. He is an alum of the University of Tennessee where he earned his MBA in Strategic Leadership as well as other  degrees. Tom is a state approved instructor for numerous industries all over the country. Additionally, he is an IDECC certified instructor, licensed contractor, holds several ICC inspector certifications, and is OSHA 30 certified. Recently, both his company and individually were recipients of the 2020-21 GFEL USA Excellence in Education award. Tom is a hockey lover who also enjoys fishing, three putting, date nights with his wife, and coaching his sons in hockey.

All sessions by Tom Dorsey, Jr.

OSHA Focus 4

Wed, July 24, 2024
9:05 AM - 10:05 AM